1v1 Stars: Rules Of Conduct

Revision 1 - June 23, 2018


This HockeyQuestionMark server is for all gamers.

Conduct & Server Usage

By signing up for an account, you agree that you will maintain a level of decency in the server. Acts such as aliasing as other players, account sharing, stick-in-face, racism, sexual harassment, cheating, hacking, tampering are bannable offenses and will be reviewed when reported. In many cases a warning will be issued, but in extreme cases or in such case that a player has a recurring history of rule-breaking or poor etiquette, a temporary or permanent ban may be issued. The server reserves the right to ban extreme cases not within these guidelines.

Any trick (including putting the puck underneath the goal post corner) is legal. Modifying your client and/or hacking is not legal.

AFKing and Disconnecting is fine. It's your rating. That being said, any obvious attempts at collusion between players to raise wins / goals / ratings to unreasonable levels may fall under tampering.


It's a 1v1; what can you expect? Play to win.

Game Rules

Game Length
Each game is played 1 on 1 with three 5 minute periods. If the score is tied after 3 full periods, the game will go into continuous sudden-death overtime. Overtime (and the game) will then be decided by the next goal.

Mercy Rule
If at any point in the game one player's score is 3 goals higher than the score of their opponents, the Mercy Rule will take effect and the game will be ended.

Glitch Goals
There will be rare occurences where a puck is shot into the net but the game does not register a goal. When this happens, it is up to the players of both teams to put the puck back into the net to cause the goal to be triggered. This rule is in the name of fairness and sportsmanship and must be followed.

Please remember that playing is not a right, it is a privlidge.